back in the narrative









There we were making music at Rockwood.











The soundtrack to Preludes came out too.

mushroom farm







People’s Light commissioned me to write the first draft of a play based on the people I met in Kennett Square, PA, the “Mushroom Capital of the World.” My mother gave all the actors and other interested folk at the theatre a workshop in restorative justice, which she’s inspired me to incorporate into the play. More on her work here.









Started working again with the inimitable Carrie Mae Weems on Grace Notes: Reflections For Now, about the role of grace in democracy.

Sang under a blue moon at Bard Spiegeltent.

Talked with Stew for StoryCorps.

Still Bill director Damani Baker and I got to spend time working on the narrative for his upcoming documentary about our family’s time on the island of Grenada.

And I’ve been writing other exciting things, which I don’t have pictures of. More on that soon.

Love to y’all.